Personal island paradise? Check. Cute planner to match? Check! Complete with a to do list, this weekly planner is formatted to fit the standard US Letter size of 8.5 by 11 inches. Feel free to download and print as many times. This planner is not limited to Animal Crossing and can be used for academic notes, grocery shopping lists, and much more!

By downloading, you consent to the following terms and conditions: All of the files included in this download are original and copyright to Nadia. They are for personal use only and cannot be resold. Legal action will be taken if you choose to violate these terms and conditions.
Use the “actual size” setting on your printer or scale to 100%. Don’t have a printer? You can go to your local Office Max or Office Depot. You can even upload the planner pages online and have them printed for you to pick up in store. Please feel free to contact me anytime if there are any questions!

Looking for the old version of this planner? The old version of the planner is more colorful, with everything from to do lists and multiple planning pages. Click the link below to download the seven pages below.
Whether you are a new player or a returning player, Her Busy Day has helpful guides for you to follow. If you want to build a diagonal bridge or learn how to make Bells quick, we got what you need! Questions? Leave a comment below.
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